2015/16 Budget Process | Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ District 42


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Budget Process

2015/16 Budget Process

ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ District No. 42 meets the learning needs of approximately 14,000 students of all ages in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, and is defined by its determination to keep student learning and growth at the heart of all its decisions.

All decisions made by the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ District are guided by its vision and core values, and are based on research and consultation. Similarly, the district’s initiatives and resources are all aligned to support its firm commitment to continuous improvement, teaching and learning, effective use of technology, building and sustaining community and partner group relationships, and designing effective and sustainable support systems.

Due to many cost pressures beyond its control, the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ District faced an operating budget funding shortfall of $5.02 million dollars for the 2014/15 school year. The reasons for this shortfall included declining enrolment, the CUPE wage increase, increased costs for benefits, inflation, utilities rate increases, and the use of reserves to fund previous budget shortfalls. The implementation of reductions of this magnitude has led to financial and staffing challenges that created instability in the system.

For 2015/16 and 2016/17, the province tasked all school districts with finding administrative savings. For the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ District, the administrative savings target set by the Ministry of Education and Child Care over two years is $1.34 million. Given this requirement for multi-year savings, this document contains proposed budget changes that will be implemented over two years.

The Proposed Preliminary Budget for 2015/16 and 2016/17 was presented to the board for information and the initiation of the public consultation process on April 8, 2015. Feedback was received at the Budget Committee of the Whole meeting on April 15, 2015, the Student Transportation meeting on April 22, 2015, an online student transportation survey from April 9 to April 24, 2015, and through written submissions. The budget balancing proposals included in this document reflect the feedback collected through the consultation process.


Preliminary Budget 2015/16 - 2016/17

At its regular board meeting on April 29, 2015, the Board of Education approved the 2015/16 Preliminary Budget Balancing Proposals and the discontinuation of regular SD42 busing services, effective September 2016.

Proposed Preliminary Budget 2015/16 - 2016/17

Preliminary Budget Process Timeline

The Board of Education made its final deliberations and adopted the 2015/16 Preliminary Budget Balancing Proposals on April 29, 2015 at 6:00 pm.

The following board approved shows the schedule of budget meetings. Please refer to this schedule for the budget meeting dates and deadlines for submission.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015
DEO Boardroom
6:00 pm


  • Public Presentation of the 2015/16 Proposed Preliminary Budget

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Maple Ridge Secondary ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½
6:00 pm – 9 pm


  • Public and Partner Groups Input on the 2015/16 Proposed Preliminary Budget

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Garibaldi Secondary ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm


  • Public and Partner Groups Input on the 2015/16 Proposed Regular Student Transportation Changes

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
DEO Boardroom
6:00 pm


  • Final Deliberations and Adoption of the 2015/16 Proposed Preliminary Budget Balancing Proposals
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
DEO Boardroom
6:00 pm


  • Adoption of the 2015/16 Preliminary Budget Bylaw
How to Give Feedback

Groups or individuals who wish to present their views on the Proposed Preliminary Budget at the April 15, 2015 Budget Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting will need to REGISTER at budget@sd42.ca no later than April 13, 2015. Please review our Guidelines for Delegations document, prepared specifically for school board delegations interested in preparing and delivering presentations.

Please send written submissions no later than two (2) working days before the meeting. You may send your submissions by:

Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows Board of Education
Attention: Executive Assistant to the Board, Secretary-Treasurer’s Office
22225 Brown Avenue
Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 8N6

FAX: 604.463.0573
EMAIL: budget@sd42.ca

Groups or individuals who wish to participate in the Student Transportation meeting must REGISTER with Karen Yoxall (Executive Assistant to the Board) at budget@sd42.ca no later than April 17, 2015. If you are unable to attend the Transportation Public Input meeting in person, you can provide your feedback through our online transportation survey. The survey closes at noon on Friday, April 24, 2015.

Please note: All submissions to the board are considered public documents. The board, therefore, reserves the right to make any submissions available to public and to place them on the district website.

Public and Partner Group Budget Input Received

Please note: All submissions to the board are considered public documents. The board, therefore, reserves the right to make any submissions available to public and to place them on the district website.

Transportation Survey

Student Transportation Meeting Agenda Package

Board Budget Committee of the Whole Meeting

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.