How teachers at Webster’s Corners are reconnecting with students | District Highlights | Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Ҵý District 42


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How teachers at Webster’s Corners are reconnecting with students

After spending his days working alone inside an empty school, Webster’s Corners principal Ramin Mehrassa was excited to finally see some of his students again during a video conference.

“It was a class of Grade 4 students. Webster’s is a small school, so you get to know all of the students, so I am missing them all,” said Mehrassa.

After spring break, teachers and staff at Webster’s and across the school district began reconnecting with students and parents and introducing plans for remote learning.

“It was important to re-establish that connection with the teachers and the kids. This is new for everyone, but we’re in this together.”

Many of the touch-base phone calls, especially with the primary students, were very heartfelt, added Mehrassa.

“The students had so much they wanted to share with their teachers. There’s just such a close bond.”

Staff at Webster’s also created a social media post to let students know how much they were missing them.

“We were talking about connecting with students, and one of our teachers sent an all-staff email about a social media post she had seen from another school, so we decided to create something similar. Another teacher organized the photos, which we all did remotely, with each of us holding up a sign.”

The message read, “Dear Webster’s Corners Wildcats: We miss you very much and want you to know that you are so loved.”

Mehrassa posted the message to social media and got immediate reaction from the school community.

“It was really positive. We had tons of comments and likes and shares,” he said. One of the comments read: “This is beautiful; the kids send their love.”

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