2019 | Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Ҵý District 42 - Part 3


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#FridayReads: The Night the Lights Went Out on Christmas

2019 District Highlights

Music for a Winter’s Eve concert series at GSS

November 28, 2019
Garibaldi Secondary’s annual Music for a Winter’s Eve concert series takes place Monday, December 9 (Choirs & Guitars) and Tuesday, December 10 (Concert/Jazz Bands).  “Join us for two enchanting evenings  read more

2019 Leaders of Tomorrow: Danika Wilkes, Eric Langton

November 26, 2019
Danika Wilkes is a Grade 7 French Immersion student at École Eric Langton Elementary (2018/19). Danika values family and friends but is consistently kind to others as well. She is  read more

2019 Leaders of Tomorrow: Kyle Martin, Eric Langton

November 19, 2019
Kyle Martin is a Grade 7 student at Eric Langton Elementary Ҵý (2018/19). He is incredibly motivated, a tremendous leader, and a terrific role model. Kyle uses his incredible motivation  read more

The Wiz! is coming (back) to Garibaldi Secondary

November 14, 2019
The last time Cynthia Lacroix co-directed the whimsical musical production The Wiz!, she was a first-year theatre teacher at Garibaldi Secondary.  “And that was 31 years ago!” she says, sitting  read more

‘Stone Soup’ meal brings together Webster’s school community

November 12, 2019
It’s Webster’s Corners’ secret ingredient for creating a tight-knit school community. On October 29, the Maple Ridge elementary school served up its Stone Soup meal, an annual tradition that brings  read more
Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.